San Damiano students houses

San Damiano student houses are linked to Tiberiade. The young people who live there are called to a project of community life punctuated by prayer and fraternal life.

The siblings visit the kots regularly for listening and sharing. These kots aim to live and succeed in their studies in a life of prayer and fraternal charity, with the spiritual support of the brothers and sisters of Tiberiade.

To be a student friend of Christ in the heart of the world. Saint Damien kots are also responsible for a prayer group in the city where they are.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us!

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Maison Saint-Damien de Namur

pour 8 étudiant(e)s
117, avenue Reine Astrid
5000 Namur


Maison Saint-Damien de Louvain-la-Neuve

pour 4 étudiant(e)s
48, Place des Wallons
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


Maison Saint-Damien de Bruxelles

pour 7 étudiant(e)s
rue des Sicambres 10
1040 Bruxelles


San Damiano Kot-Leuven

Leo XIII Seminarie, Tiensestraat 112,
3000 Leuven